Hike Therapy
Introducing psychological treatment while walking in the forest.
Hike Therapy is provided by Psychologist and Hike Leader Katerina Volny and provides an opportunity to experience the benefits of movement and nature while engaging in psychological treatment.
Hike Therapy is jointly hosted by Emerald Psychology Practice and Hiked (www.hiked.com.au) to provide a flexible service between office based and forest locations with hike safety and expertise.
Treatment sessions can be supported by Medicare rebates, Workcover and TAC and private health funding. Sessions can be moved between forest locations in the Dandenong Ranges to Emerald offices as needed
Medicare Rebates
If you have a Mental Health Care Plan from your GP, Medicare provides a significant rebate towards the total cost. The out of pocket fee for a hike therapy session will be approximately $70 for 50-60 minute hike. Patients are eligible to receive a total of 10 individual, out of office sessions per year.
TAC and Workcover
Hike therapy may also be covered by clients who have an accepted TAC or Workcover claim. There are no out of pocket costs with accepted claims.
For more information or to book an appointment, call our office to arrange an initial appointment on 5905 2811.